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items: 153075
underscrew for TD bows
Reference: 4300100
This product is not sold individually. You must select at least 1 quantity for this product.
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Screw for takedown bow, European metric system, 8x40mm, black iron.
Reference: 4300300
screw for USA takedown bow
Reference: 4300318
included: 2 clear fiberglass stripes, 4 elm wooden stripes (one is in two parts), wood handle, natuaral horn tips e epoxy glue.
Reference: 6100200
include: Martin Linx limbs, pregiate hardwood block with inlay and screwing inserts installed, crews, tool and string
Reference: 6100300
Clear fiberglass stripe to make high performance longbow, 38mm = 1½" large, 1,00mm (= .040") or 0,80mm (= .030") thickness, sold by meter.
Reference: 6200401
Clear fiberglass 20m coil to make high performance longbow, 38mm ( = 1½" ) large, 1,00mm (= .040") or 0,80mm (= .030") thickness,
Reference: 6200420
Clear fiberglass 50m coil to make high performance longbow, 38mm = 1½" large, 1,00mm (= .040") or 0,80mm (= .030") thickness
Reference: 6200450
Clear fiberglass stripe 45mm (= 1¾") o 50mm (= 2") large, to make high performance recurves, available in thickness of 1,00mm = .040", sold by meter.
Reference: 6200501
20m coil of clear fiberglass stripe to make recurves, 45mm (= 1¾") o 50mm (= 2") large, to make high performance recurves, available in thickness of 1,00mm = .040"
Reference: 6200520
50m coil of clear fiberglass stripe to make recurves, 45mm (= 1¾") o 50mm (= 2") large, to make high performance recurves, available in thickness of 1,00mm = .040"
Reference: 6200550
Black fiberglass stripe to make high performance recurves, 1,00mm = .040" thickness, 45mm = 1¾" large, sold by meter. (ordering quantity 5, you'll receive a 5 meters roll)
Reference: 6200650
Black carbon fiber 0.70 x 45mm
Reference: 6200660
Elm lamination for longbowmacking, large 38mm = 1½", thick 2mm = .080", long 180cm = 71"
Reference: 6200712
Elm lamination for longbowmacking, large 38mm = 1½", thick 0,6mm = .024", long 180cm = 71"
Reference: 6200716
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